Silk Road forums

Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: DopeSneaky on August 30, 2013, 10:15 pm

Title: [Vendor Listings] Option to sort listings by Continent/Zone
Post by: DopeSneaky on August 30, 2013, 10:15 pm
Hello! I wish there was a feature that would either show vendors who're shipping worldwide or who're shipping within a certain "zone" when browsing through listings.

How it currently works: When browsing the listings for a specific drug you can sort them by bestselling, buyer rank, newest, highest price and lowest price. To the right of this dropdown list there is also a checkbox for "Domestic only".

How I want it to work: Keep the dropdown list with bestselling, buyer rank, newest, highest price and lowest price. BUT add more checkboxes for Shipping internationally, Shipping domestic only, Shipping EU only(or any other "zone").

Thank you.
Title: Re: [Vendor Listings] Option to sort listings by Continent/Zone
Post by: Burning Babylon on September 08, 2013, 11:52 pm
Quote from: DopeSneaky
Hello! I wish there was a feature that would either show vendors who're shipping worldwide or who're shipping within a certain "zone" when browsing through listings.

How it currently works: When browsing the listings for a specific drug you can sort them by bestselling, buyer rank, newest, highest price and lowest price. To the right of this dropdown list there is also a checkbox for "Domestic only".

How I want it to work: Keep the dropdown list with bestselling, buyer rank, newest, highest price and lowest price. BUT add more checkboxes for Shipping internationally, Shipping domestic only, Shipping EU only(or any other "zone").

Thank you.

A very similar Suggestion to which I responded was made in the thread Search function improvements: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=204036.msg1523444#msg1523444

To Summarize a Filter Function would solve this entirely if it were to be implemented, I've described a way to do it in my thread Upgraded Listing Options: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=182090 :)